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Laser treatment of fungal toenails




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1 Male St

Brighton 3186


My Thoughts on Loceryl

I have been a Podiatrist for over 15 years,  I can honestly say I have never seen a positive result to Loceryl.  Thats not to say it does not work, the companies studies indicate good outcomes. I must have seen thousands of patients over my years in practice who have been using this medication  both before when it was on the PBS Scheme and since its removal. I think Loceryl might work on superficial white Onychomycosis but then would you bother treating this sort of infection anyway. Simply give it a light sand with emery paper and it is gone, this form of infection never turns into a deep nail fungus which are much more difficult to resolve.

Have you seen a positive result using Loceryl

Loceryl must have been on the market for some 12 to 14 years now, I remember going to the product launch.  I would love to hear from anyone who did get results and I would love to see before and after photos. My advice “dont waste the money”
I have discussed this matter with many colleagues and they all say the same.

Have you seen a positive result from Loceryl


If you have seen a positive result from the use of  Loceryl, leave a message I would love to hear about it. Loceryl does have some side effects as well,  check out our page on side effects.

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