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Laser treatment of fungal toenails




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Brighton 3186

Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal Nail Infections result in a nail that is discoloured and thickened, over a period of time the surrounding nails may also become infected. The nails will over a period of time deteriorate Fungal Nail Infections have been difficult to treat before now. There are many topical paints on the market which we find simply do not treat a Fungal Nail Infection effectively, you can also take oral medications which have some nasty side effects such as liver toxicity problems and a change in taste and smell.

The latest way to treat Fungal Nail Infections

The latest way to treat Fungal Nail Infections is with the use of Laser we use a 1320nm laser called a CoolTouch CoolBreeze Laser. The laser gently heats the nail and when the target temperature is reached the laser sprays a cryogen spray over the nail. This has a twofold effect firstly the shock cooling helps destroy the Fungal Nail Infection secondly it helps the patient better tolerate the heat that the laser generates on the patients nail.

Fungal Nail Infection Laser Results

The results seem to be around the 80% mark which is extremely high when compared to that of Topical paints which run at a success rate of only 1% to 2% or that of the oral medications which only resolve 40%.

If you think you have a Fungal Nail Infection call the clinic for an appointment.

The case below is a  69 year old female who had suffered lifting nails for over 5 years,
she has self treated with Loceryl and Tea Tree old no change was noted.
Her original laser session was on 25th January 2011 this photo was taken on 05 July 2011 ie approx 5 months. You can see the clearing that has occurred at the base of the nail and the nail plate is now attached to the underlying soft tissue.
This patient is very happy with the result so far, we are sure that it will continue to improve as it grows out. The patient wishes that she had come straight to us instead of buying expensive treatments such as Loceryl to treat her Fungal Nail Infection.

Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal Nail Infection


Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal Nail Infection 5 Months Post Laser

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