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Laser treatment of fungal toenails




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1 Male St

Brighton 3186

Solution for Nail Fungus Found

The new laser nail fungus treatment was introduced today in San Mateo. PinPointe laser is a faster and more effective treatment for toe nail fungus. By this technology pathogens can be easily killed. Pathogens are the reason why toe nail fungus is caused.

People facing the problem of discolored and thick toenails can easily get them cured with absolute comfort and ease. This treatment not only cures nail fungus but also reduces nail infections. With the Footlaser patients can get an effective cure for foot fungus. Toenail laser treatment also prevents toenail fungus. Patients do not need to get embarrassed with the toenail fungus and constantly try to hide their feet. A simple treatment can save them from all the embarrassment.

Dr Kaplan, Sports Podiatrist in San Mateo, stated that he is proud to remain on cutting-edge of technology advances and provide his patients with the best available podiatric care. He is the first doctor in the San Francisco Peninsula area to introduce the new fast and effective laser nail fungus treatment. In just 30-40 minutes he can provide a cure for toenail fungus with the new technology. Dr Kaplan is one of the most trusted men in surgery procedures of foot and ankle, a diplomat the American Board of Podiatric Surgery and the National Board of Podiatry Examiners

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